My House View With Antennas

My House View With Antennas

Sunday, 13 December 2009

************ Here is some local D-Star info that may be of interest to you...

Newbies to D-Star user guide by Susan VK3ANZ:

Icom ICF data files created by Dave VK3UR - these will help you get started:

D-Star live DPlus Dashboard for Reflector 3:

D-Star live DPlus Dashboard for Reflector 3:

D-Star users (global):


D-Star Archives:

D-Star video by Robin Cutshaw AA4RC:

D-Star site by Adrian VK4TUX:

Icom IC-2820H Mobile dual-band D-Star & FM transceiver:

Icom IC-80AD H/Held dual-band D-Star & RM transceiver:

Icom IC-92AD H/Held dual-band D-Star & FM transceiver:

Icom ID-1 Mobile 23cm D-Star & FM transceiver:

Icom ID-800H Mobile dual-band D-Star & FM transceiver:

Icom ID-880H Mobile dual-band D-Star & FM transceiver:

Last Heard list for my D-Star radios:

D-Rats - messaging via the DV-Dongle and/or RF via radio:

In regards to D-Star operation, you may have heard the term "R2D2" during a QSO. It's one of the few challenges of D-Star. Here's an explanation recovered from the D-STAR DIGITAL reflector:

R2D2 occurs when there is enough signal for the D-STAR receiver to detect the digital signal but the signal has degraded to the point that error correction cannot recover the original audio stream. It has long been observed that the trained ear may be able to pull the audio out of a very weak FM-Analog signal as the brain can "fill in" for the missing elements of speech. If you hear "che-r-le impal-" your brain has heard "chevrolet impala" enough times it can "correct" the missing elements. When the vocoder looses lock, it can take a little longer to get it back and the intervening sounds (R2D2) have little or no relationship to the speech that is being sent, as the brain has no frame of reference to rebuild the original phrase. Consequently, once the D-STAR signal falls into the thin slice between recoverable audio and dead silence, it is generally not useful - however as FM-Analog approaches that same signal level, copy becomes more and more difficult while the D-STAR signal remains quite clear, right up to that threshold.

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