DIY D-STAR Hotspot
Short video of my DIY D-STAR hotspot, using soundcard & Philips FM92 PMR radio that cost £2.50!
Currently running on a dummy load, as the NoV has been applied for and is in progress.
Traffic is from D-Plus REF001C on 31/12/10, with Brian VK2AH dishing out new years greetings!
Handheld is an Icom IC-E80
Currently running on a dummy load, as the NoV has been applied for and is in progress.
Traffic is from D-Plus REF001C on 31/12/10, with Brian VK2AH dishing out new years greetings!
Handheld is an Icom IC-E80
The software is the G4KLX "PC Repeater Controller", and the Soundcard is the Analog Devices "Soundmax Digital Audio" chipset, which is built in to the Dell Optiplex GX-270 machine. The best sound card to use is a USB type with CM108 Chipset. In the next week, I will be moving to Linux "FreeStar*" system which is very very good. If you want details, PM me and I will give you details.